As the bulls make a comeback, some consolidation and volatility are only to be expected. This round of upward movement is unlikely to be homogeneous. The upmove is likely to be led by a few sectors β and there, too, by a few select stocks. For investors seeking to increase market exposure, the focus should be on fundamentals. If any improvement on this front has pushed up the overall score of the stock in the last one month, then it is worth a look. The selected stocks on our list depict a strong upward trajectory in their overall average score which is based on five key pillars β earnings, fundamentals, relative valuation, risk, and price momentum. This implies that there has been a significant improvement in their market outlook in the given time frame.
Volatile yet bullish is probably the state in which the market is likely to stay for the next couple of weeks as it gets into holiday mode. In such market conditions, low volumes can make stock prices move dramatically in one direction or the other. So, do keep an eye on the volumes before reaching any judgement on the strength of the move in any stock price. Certain things have changed for the market that investors should be aware of. Earlier,
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