Friday’s movement of the Nifty and Sensex will make a number of people think again about volatility. While Friday βs decline can be attributed to global events, the fact is that when valuations are high, the probability of volatility hitting the street is always high. So, it would be better to stay ready for volatility both for domestic and global reasons. At this point of time, if the global situation gets bearish, one cannot rule out more damage to stock prices. In such times, if one is taking fresh exposure to equity, ensure that there is some level of quality as far as the business and fundamentals are concerned. These selected stocks depict a strong upward trajectory in their overall average score which is based on five key pillars i.e. earnings, fundamentals, relative valuation, risk and price momentum. This implies that there has been a significant improvement in their market outlook in the given time frame.
Thanks to global developments, bears are once again visible on the street. But look a bit deeper, the force at which they come was probably not the same as it would have a couple of months back. The fact is that global developments should be divided into two parts, first those which are caused by geopolitical tensions. They don’t have deadlines, they can continue to simmer for long, as has been the case with the Ukraine war, which has been
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