Ashiana Housing Limited has entered into a joint venture with Arihant Foundations and Housing Ltd to develop a senior living project in Chennai, with an investment of Rs 225 crore. This will be Ashiana’s third senior living project in the city, reflecting the increasing demand for premium senior housing options in Chennai.”The project will meet…
READ MOREMUMBAI: The residential sales across Indiaβs top seven cities are expected to witness double digit growth in 2024-25. The area sold in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), National Capital Region (NCR), Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai is likely to increase 10-12% to 785-800 million sq ft in the current financial year, on a high base of…
READ MOREAshiana Housing, a listed real estate developer, aims to double its annual senior living housing sales to 1,000 units within four years, capitalising on the post-Covid surge in demand that has already boosted sales from 200 to 450β500 units per year.The company reported revenue of Rs 1,800 crore in FY 2023β24, marking a 50% increase…