While Nifty ended with a week-on-week decline of 0.20%, it was laden with top action where over three dozen companies from large, mid and smallcap segments witnessed prominent block deals worth Rs 16,445 crore on screen which included both buying and selling action. In the large cap segment, 15 companies witnessed significant block deals on…
READ MOREWhile Nifty ended with week-on-week gains of 1.6%, it was laden with top action where over three dozen companies from large, mid and smallcap segments witnessed prominent block deals worth Rs 43,068 crore on screen which included both buying and selling action. In the large cap segment, 15 companies witnessed significant block deals on the…
READ MOREWhile Nifty ended with week-on-week gains of 0.7%, it was laden with top action where over three dozen companies from large, mid and smallcap segments witnessed prominent block deals worth Rs 8,364 crore on screen, which included both buying and selling actions. In the largecap segment, 15 companies witnessed significant block deals on the screen…