The board of has approved a share buyback of Rs 72 crore at a price of Rs 1,025 per share, which is a 27.5% premium over Thursday’s closing price. Following the announcement, the stock surged 3% to a day’s high of Rs 829.55. “Board approved the proposal of buyback of 7,02,439 fully paid-up equity…
READ MOREIndus Towers, which announced its Rs 2,700 crore-share buyback earlier in July, has opened the bids for the same on Wednesday. The bidding will close on August 21. Eligible shareholders can now bid for the buyback. The last date of completion of settlement of bids will be on or before August 28. “In accordance with…
READ MOREJapanese technology investor SoftBank Group said on Wednesday it plans to buy back a hefty $3.4 billion in shares, answering in part calls from Elliott Management and other investors to bolster its stock price. Masayoshi Son’s globe-spanning tech giant has been under pressure to buy back shares given that its market capitalisation trades at a…
READ MORECompanies in India are gearing up for increase in share buybacks in the coming weeks before new tax rules on repurchases take effect on Oct. 1. At least 11 firms, including Indus Towers Ltd., have or are set to approve share buybacks shortly after the new regime was proposed in the budget on July 23….