Swiggy shares fell up to 9.55% to Rs 433.25 on BSE in the morning session on Tuesday after peer Zomato surprised investors by reporting a slowdown in the food delivery business. The Q3 miss led brokerages to downgrade Zomato shares as well as cut target prices. Zomato shares fell 11% to Rs 214 on BSE…
READ MOREIIFL Securities has initiated coverage on Bajaj Housing Finance with an βaddβ rating and a target price of Rs 125, noting that while the companyβs growth trajectory is impressive, the near-term upside on a one-year horizon remains negligible. The brokerage recommends the stock for long-term investors looking to add during price corrections. The brokerage underscored…
READ MOREThe shares of Oravel Stays Limited, which owns and runs the brand Oyo are being traded in the Rs 53 to 55 range, translating to a valuation of nearly $ 4.4 billion. This is 28% below the high of Rs 77 per share it had touched in February 2024. The price had dipped to Rs…
READ MOREInvestorAi, AI-powered equity investment platform, has announced that it has raised Rs 80 crores in a Series A round from well-known investor Ashish Kacholia, Founder, of Lucky Investment Managers, and his associates. Funds raised will be used for scaling the business and adding new products. Positron, a Mumbai-based Consulting and Capital Advisory firm, was the…
READ MOREBENGALURU- Shares of Indian brokerages fell on Wednesday, a day after the markets regulator proposed several measures to curb trading in options. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on Tuesday evening proposed raising the minimum trading amount for index options by over three times, reducing the number of contracts expiring each week and…