Indian market closed lower on Thursday tracking muted global cues. The BSE Sensex fell more than 500 points while the Nifty50 managed to hold above 23,500 levels. Sectorally, buying was seen in FMCG while selling was visible in power, energy, oil & gas and realty stocks. Stocks that hit fresh highs include names like Vijaya…
READ MOREThe Indian market is likely to trade higher on Friday, tracking positive global cues. The Nifty futures closed in the negative with losses of 0.09%, at the 23,748 levels on Thursday. On the options front, the maximum Call OI is placed at 24,000, followed by the 25,000 strikes, while the maximum Put OI is placed…
READ MOREThe Indian market is likely to edge higher on Monday, tracking positive global cues. The Nifty futures closed negative, with losses of 0.97% at 24,215 levels on Friday. On the options front, the maximum Call OI is placed at 25,000, followed by the 24,500 strikes, while the maximum Put OI is at 23,500 and then…
READ MORENifty ended Friday with weekly declines of 2.7%, falling in all five sessions during the week. When markets resume trading on Monday, a host of important domestic and global events lined up for the week are likely to impact them. On Friday, Nifty closed at 24,180.80, lower by 218.60 points or 0.9%. Commenting on the…
READ MOREInvestorAi, AI-powered equity investment platform, has announced that it has raised Rs 80 crores in a Series A round from well-known investor Ashish Kacholia, Founder, of Lucky Investment Managers, and his associates. Funds raised will be used for scaling the business and adding new products. Positron, a Mumbai-based Consulting and Capital Advisory firm, was the…
READ MORE“We see the risk of an imminent 5-10% correction in the headline indices, with bigger drawdowns in small and midcap stocks. Nifty valuations are stretched at 21.4x 1YF PER, and a positive budget is now in the price. There are no additional positive catalysts, as we expect a tepid 1QFY25 earnings season with rate cuts…
READ MOREAfter ending six consecutive weeks with a gain, Nifty is now caught between the expectations around Budget and the ongoing earnings season. While Sensex ended 0.65% higher during the week, the BSE Smallcap index ended 0.26% lower. “There is a mix of anxiety and excitement in the market due to the muted Q1FY25 earnings forecast…