ITD Cementation India shares were trading higher by 1% on Wednesday after the company secured a Rs 1,648 crore engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract for near-shore reclamation and shore protection work at Vadhvan Port in Maharashtra. The company emerged as the lowest bidder, securing the contract at a price 6.9% lower than the estimated…
READ MOREShares of ITD Cementation fell by 7.7% on Monday in an early trading session to their dayβs low of Rs 491.55 on the BSE as Adani Group aims to acquire nearly a 73% stake in the company for approximately Rs 5,759 crore. This will be followed by an open offer to purchase an additional 26%,…
READ MORETensions in the middle east and FII outflows hit Indian markets hard as indices corrected over 4% during the week. The decline was broad-based with sectors like auto, banks, infra, and energy witnessing heavy selling pressure. The bearish sentiments in the market resulted in the sharp fall of smallcap stocks as only 14 stocks delivered…
READ MOREHindustan Aeronautics (HAL) among 19 other companies like Symphony, Pfizer, etc are expected to be in focus today as they have set August 21 as the record date for determining shareholders eligible for dividend payments. The board of HAL declared a final dividend of Rs 13 per share for its eligible shareholders earlier in June….