Liquidity has magical powers. When it is in deficit, it can sink an otherwise sensible business into insolvency. On the other hand, when it is in surplus, it can magically salvage an otherwise insolvent business from the cusp of demise. Many examples come to mind. But the ones that strike you with huge astonishment are…
READ MOREThe panic selling that has gripped the stock market worldwide, including India, could throw up opportunities for investors in the near term, said investment advisors and analysts. While some think the readings are showing signs of the market being oversold, others are of the view that investors could get better value at even lower levels….
READ MOREMultibagger stock KPI Green Energy had announced July 18 as the record date for the purpose of its 1:2 stock split. This means that today is the last day to buy the shares in order to qualify for the split, since July 17 is a market holiday. Earlier in the month of May, KPI Green…