The shares of Dhanlaxmi Crop Science will debut on the NSE SME platform on Monday. Ahead of the listing, the company’s shares were trading with a GMP of Rs 50 in the grey market. Considering the upper price band of Rs 55, the stock is expected to list with maximum gains of 90% over issue…
READ MOREThe shares of United Heat Transfer debuted on the NSE SME platform at a premium of 3.3% on Tuesday. The stock listed at Rs 60.95 as against an issue price of Rs 59. Considering the upper price band of Rs 380, the stock is expected to list at a premium of 29% over the issue…
READ MOREThe shares of Premium Plast will debut on the NSE SME platform on Monday. Ahead of the listing, the company’s shares are trading with a GMP of Rs 9. Considering the upper price band of Rs 49, the stock is expected to list at a premium of 19% over the issue price. The IPO was…
READ MOREThe shares of Freshara Agro Exports will debut on the NSE SME platform on Thursday. Ahead of the listing, the company’s shares traded with a GMP of Rs 80 in the grey market. Considering the upper price band of Rs 116, the stock is expected to list at a premium of 69% over the issue…
READ MOREUnilex Colours and Chemicals made its debut on the NSE SME platform on Thursday, opening with a premium of 2.3%. The stock listed at Rs 89, compared to its issue price of Rs 87. The net proceeds from the public offer will be used for funding working capital requirements, repayment of debt, and other general…
READ MOREThe shares of Avi Ansh Textile will debut on the NSE SME platform on Friday. Ahead of the listing, the company’s shares are trading with a marginal GMP of Rs 2 in the grey market. This indicates a likely listing premium of 3% over the issue price, which was fixed at Rs 62 at the…
READ MOREThe shares of Phoenix Overseas will debut on the NSE SME platform on Friday. Ahead of the listing, the company’s shares are trading with a GMP of Rs 15 in the grey market. This indicates a likely listing premium of 23%, compared with an issue price of Rs 64 at the upper end. However, it…