Shares of the state-owned State Bank of India (SBI) fell by 2.2% on Thursday to an intraday low of Rs 820.10 on the BSE as the company announced the appointment of Rama Mohan Rao Amara as the Managing Director (MD) of the bank. βVide Notification No. 2/1/2024-BO.I dated 18.12.2024, issued by Department of Financial Services,…
READ MOREIndia’s largest public sector lender State Bank of India (SBI) shares in focus today after the bank beat earnings estimates by a wide margin, reporting a profit of Rs 18,331 crore, up 28% year-on-year (YoY). An ET Now poll had estimated the profit to be around Rs 15,550 crore. Net interest income for the quarter…
READ MOREWhile Nifty Bank has logged in double digit returns over the last 1 year, its performance against broader Nifty50 and its other sectoral peers remains subpar. With rising deposit cost and moderation in net interest margins (NIMs), experts remain wary of the pack, toning down their expectations from the sector that has the largest weight…