Shares of Shriram Finance tumbled approximately 4% to their intraday low of Rs 540.65 in Fridayβs session as the stock began trading on an ex-split basis. The company had set January 10 as the record date to determine shareholder eligibility for its 1:5 stock split. βIn furtherance to our earlier intimations dated October 25, 2024,…
READ MOREShares of Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals had announced a stock split in the ratio of 1:2.5 and fixed January 8 as the record date for determining the shareholder eligibility, which makes today the last day to buy the stock to qualify for the split offer. βPursuant to Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,…
READ MOREShares of PC Jeweller may remain in focus on Friday as the company had announced a 1:10 stock split earlier in September, fixing December 16 as the record date for determining shareholder eligibility. βThe Board of Directors of the Company by means of a resolution passed by circulation today i.e. on November 28, 2024 has…