Swiggy shares fell up to 9.55% to Rs 433.25 on BSE in the morning session on Tuesday after peer Zomato surprised investors by reporting a slowdown in the food delivery business. The Q3 miss led brokerages to downgrade Zomato shares as well as cut target prices. Zomato shares fell 11% to Rs 214 on BSE…
READ MOREShares of newly-listed food and grocery delivery platform Swiggy on Wednesday fell up to 4.4% to a low of Rs 519.50 on BSE in the morning session as 6.5 crore shares of the company freed up for trade. The one-month expiry of a mandatory lock-in period ended today to free up 6.5 crore shares of…
READ MOREShares of leading food delivery player Swiggy surged 9% to Rs 449 on BSE in Wednesday’s trade after making its Dalal Street debut at Rs 412. Meanwhile, the companyβs market capitalization crossed Rs 1 lakh crore mark. Swiggyβs muted debut on Dalal Street was marked by a small premium of 8% over its issue price….