Indian market consolidated in a range on Thursday tracking weak global cues. The BSE Sensex fell more than 200 points while the Nifty50 slipped below 23,650 in the first 15 minutes of trade. So far in January FIIs have sold equity for Rs 10,419 cr. “With the dollar index at 109 and the 10-year bond…
READ MOREThe Indian market is likely to trade higher on Friday, tracking positive global cues. The Nifty futures closed in the negative with losses of 0.09%, at the 23,748 levels on Thursday. On the options front, the maximum Call OI is placed at 24,000, followed by the 25,000 strikes, while the maximum Put OI is placed…
READ MOREThe Nifty futures closed negative, with losses of 0.10%, at 23,491 levels on Tuesday. The Indian market remained shut on Wednesday, due to a public holiday.On the options front, the maximum Call OI is placed at 24,000, and then at 23,700 strikes, while the maximum Put OI is placed at 23,000, and then at 23,500…
READ MOREThe Indian market is likely to edge higher on Monday, tracking positive global cues. The Nifty futures closed negative, with losses of 0.97% at 24,215 levels on Friday. On the options front, the maximum Call OI is placed at 25,000, followed by the 24,500 strikes, while the maximum Put OI is at 23,500 and then…
READ MOREIndian market is likely to trade higher on Tuesday tracking positive global cues. The Nifty future closed in green with a gain of 0.25% at 25,434 levels on Monday. India VIX was down 0.71% from 12.55 to 12.46 levels. On the options front, the maximum Call OI is placed at 26,000 and then towards 25,400…